Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Richard & Marilyn Soto’s 2012 Family Newsletter

This year Richard and I have really enjoyed the opportunity to work with the BYU Young Single Adult 17th stake. Richard is a high councilman and Marilyn is in the Stake Relief Society presidency. It has been a fun and rewarding calling for both of us. Richard and Marilyn had the opportunity to see Marilyn's sister, Linda's daughter Lauralee wed in Washington DC. As you can see from the picture Richard helped the president out a little. This will be Richard’s last year to teach school. He will retire from teaching at the end of May 2013. This is the end of his second career; the first was working for the phone company in California for 23 years. Marilyn started the year with a severe reaction to msg and has since found out the she has many food allergies and intolerances. Marilyn continues to work as a social worker for a homecare and hospice company. In November, Marilyn lost her mother to breast cancer and she and her siblings are trying to support their dad as best they can. We are excited for what the new year will bring. We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and will have a blessed New Year!

Christine & John
Christine is now working at a lab in a mine in Iowa. The kids are very involved in sports and as a result Christine as a very busy driver. Noelle won first place at the state championship for her military routine in poms. She also wrote a story about the experience and it got published in the Sunday Cedar Rapids Gazette. Ashley has had excellent report card. She got straight A’s.  Jordan’s been busy playing basketball. And Dakota’s been busy in student council. Christine is now working at a lab in a mine in Iowa.
Rich & Toni
Rich is now working at Comcast and happy to not have to travel for a job anymore. Toni continues to manager different departments work at Walmart

Jessica & Billy sent a Smilebox to share:
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
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A scrapbooking design by Smilebox

Joshua & Rachel
Sam is now is preschool and excelling. Joshua has a new job that he is really enjoying and Rachel is moving up at her law firm.

Jennifer & John

Jennifer is still working in trauma/ER while she finishes her master's degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner. She will graduate December 2013. John was accepted into the Nuclear medicine program at UNLV. He also just started working at T-mobile. Jennifer and John enjoyed returning to Mexico for their 1st anniversary. They also just returned from Hawaii.
Janell & Matt
 Blake is now in the first grade he is such a sweet nice boy who wants to be everyone’s best friend. He doing well in school and is amazing his teaches at the progress he has made. He is taking gymnastics and loves it. He loves Lego ninjago, skylanders, and spending time with his family. Blake got to go to Batman Live with his mom and dad this year.  He was so cute when he got out of his seat when batman started to fight. Brielle is in her last year of preschool and will be going into the austism k through 5 program, which we are very grateful for since cuts are taking away the preschool program. She is taking gymnastics also and loves it.  She always wants to keep going after her lesson. Brielle is doing something new with her speech she will sometimes repeat a word if you ask her to, it is wonderful to hear her little voice with words. Emmett”s first word was ninjago, which he learned from his older brother.  The other words he uses are vroom, choo choo, dad (which he most often uses and calls everyone) and go. He is very independent; he always wants to walk to and from the car.
Matt is still working at T-Mobile as a store manager and also at Target. He enjoys going to the movies, collecting 3d movies. He is the 2nd counselor of the Sunday School presidency and he teaches the 12 - 14 year olds in the 2nd hour. I am still working at massage envy. I work only 2 days a week and the rest of the time I am a mom and love to be with our kids. Last spring, Matt and I were able to go on a cruise with Matt’s family. My mom was able to come out with her wonderful friend Kathy and took great care of our kids. We were also able to go to CA to visit mom and Richard and some siblings. That trip is always a great joy and gives us great memories.

Jeff & Stacy
Jeff & Stacy have enjoyed living in Spring Valley Lake, CA since May. Though it's quite different from Santa Rosa, they take advantage of living in the High Desert by exploring activities in Southern California. On a day to day basis, Jeff keeps busy directing business development at St. Mary Medical Center. Stacy spends most of her time chasing Jack (15 months) and negotiating with Ella (3 years). Despite the kid craziness, they just love being together as a family.

Natalie & Kyle
Kyle graduated with his Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science from Brigham Young University in April!  Yay!  He's working hard at his internship and is pursuing a career in Physical Therapy.  Natalie has been busy with her wedding cake business but has recently taken a short break to welcome the newest member of our family into the world.  Lorelai was born December 3rd and is a beautiful, sweet little girl.  Max will be 2 in March and surprises us everyday with something new to say.  He counts to 12 and knows his ABC's.  He's a funny, sweet, wonderful kid and we love him so much!  We've been very blessed this year.

Katie and Amanda
Katie and Amanda had the opportunity this year to have their pictures taken professionally by a neighbor of ours. I think their real personalities and their priceless friendship shows through.

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